Rachid Belaid
2012-03-18 bf1cb91ee2c34edbfa92e538f312e8d60d900478
author Rachid Belaid <rachid.belaid@gmail.com>
Sunday, March 18, 2012 05:01 +0100
committer Rachid Belaid <rachid.belaid@gmail.com>
Sunday, March 18, 2012 05:01 +0100
tree 966c9ed5c7419a34f98674d4ff173efa0cdb49aa tree | zip | gz
parent c292b4ccd70f665405300813f3eabbc5b0a367e2 view | diff
Keep the same notation, 'myproject' is used previously. 'mypackage' is correct and generic, after following the previous step of the documentation the user would have only one package which is 'myproject' 
1 files modified
4 ■■■■ changed files
docs/narr/project.rst 4 ●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history