Wayne Witzel III
2012-08-03 d06970c616015fa047d111f033b41f8d8c8ac98a
author Wayne Witzel III <wwitzel3@gmail.com>
Friday, August 3, 2012 16:53 +0200
committer Wayne Witzel III <wwitzel3@gmail.com>
Friday, August 3, 2012 17:06 +0200
tree 22f139a97acca9f5303b86052f635ea13470eb27 tree | zip | gz
parent 1b2462968a8ea50399c9b0328fa09c70c1eeb336 view | diff
Removing easy_install and demoing lines from index example. firstapp has installation chapter links and having peopel using pyramid outside a virtualenv is a bad idea
1 files modified
12 ■■■■ changed files
docs/index.rst 12 ●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history