2019-09-19 587980beacdd1028d3a8443293e8cfa9bb10c0cf
Update Role for managing ClusterServiceVersion (#722)

* Added Roles for the A0009 RHTE Lab

* Fixed

* Fixed issues

* Fixed issues

* Finalized role configuration

* Fixed a variable issue

* Checked until the workshop infra becomes ready

* Cleaned up and updated Readme

* Cleaned unused files

* Cleaned unused files

* Cleaned

* Updated to use Che7

* Added permissions for the workshop operator to install operators

* Increased retry for Che Deployment

* Updated Role for clusterserviceversions resource
1 files modified
5 ■■■■ changed files
ansible/roles/ocp4-workload-rhte-a0009/templates/role.j2 5 ●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
@@ -125,7 +125,10 @@
  - catalogsourceconfigs
  - operatorgroups
  - subscriptions
  - clusterserviceversions
  - create
  - list
  - get
  - get
  - update
  - watch