Guillaume Coré
2017-10-10 a3c8fe21c21dffff8ae96c38dc695a3c76c9188e
fix 3.6 scaleup
- comment openshift_release, not needed and problematic between 3.5 and
3.6 (one requires 'v' the other does not)
- disable requirement checks for 3.6 as we do not follow recommandations (cost saving)
in 3.6 playbook fails with error if requirements are not met.

related to 1aba29fff473b0a1088f4cf8960be5fca6be6cfc
1 files modified
2 ■■■ changed files
ansible/configs/ocp-workshop/files/scaleup_hosts_template.j2 2 ●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
openshift_metrics_image_version=v{{ repo_version }}
#openshift_image_tag=v{{ repo_version }}
openshift_release={{ osrelease }}
#openshift_release={{ osrelease }}