Guillaume Coré
2020-01-15 bae3d3114c417dbf65158e33c8ddc7df62d66e52
Introduce default_vars.yml (#991)

`env_vars.yml` is a bad name and should be renamed to `default_vars.yml`.

This commit if applied, will update the `include_vars.yml` play so it looks
for the following files and includes them if they exist:

- `cloud_providers/{{ cloud_provider }}_default_vars.yml`
Global default vars related to the cloud provider
- `configs/{{ env_type }}/env_vars.yml`
Legacy env_vars.yml (replaced by default_vars.yml)
- `configs/{{ env_type }}/default_vars.yml`
Default vars of the config
- `configs/{{ env_type }}/default_vars.{{ cloud_provider }}.yml`
Default vars of the config, specific to a cloud provider
- `configs/{{ env_type }}/default_vars_{{ cloud_provider }}.yml`
`configs/{{ env_type }}/env_secret_vars.yml`
Lecacy secret vars file.

Both .yml and .yaml extensions are supported.

In order not to break current configs, `env_vars.yml` files are still included as

This commit also makes it possible to have default vars for each cloud provider,
for example, it is now possible to have those files in a config:

1 files modified
40 ■■■■ changed files
ansible/include_vars.yml 40 ●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history
@@ -11,23 +11,45 @@
        output_dir: "{{ hostvars.localhost.output_dir }}"
      when: hostvars.localhost.output_dir is defined
    - name: stats env_vars.yml and (legacy) env_secret_vars.yml
    - name: Stat default variables files (both yaml/yml extensions)
          # Global default vars related to the cloud provider
          - cloud_providers/{{ cloud_provider }}_default_vars
          # Legacy env_vars.yml (replaced by default_vars.yml)
          - configs/{{ env_type }}/env_vars
          # Default vars of the config
          - configs/{{ env_type }}/default_vars
          # Default vars of the config, specific to a cloud provider
          - configs/{{ env_type }}/default_vars.{{ cloud_provider }}
          - configs/{{ env_type }}/default_vars_{{ cloud_provider }}
          # Lecacy secret vars file.
          - configs/{{ env_type }}/env_secret_vars
          - yaml
          - yml
        path: "{{ item }}"
        - cloud_providers/{{ cloud_provider }}_default_vars.yml
        - configs/{{ env_type }}/env_vars.yml
        - configs/{{ env_type }}/env_secret_vars.yml
        - "{{ secret_file | d('/secret/file/not/passed') }}"
        path: "{{ item[0] ~ '.' ~ item[1] }}"
      loop: "{{ find_me | product(extensions) | list }}"
      register: rstat_varfiles
    - name: Include vars files
    - name: Stat variables files
          # secret file path passed as extra-var
          - "{{ secret_file | d('/secret/file/not/passed') }}"
        path: "{{ item }}"
      loop: "{{ find_me }}"
      register: rstat2_varfiles
    - name: Include variables files
        file: "{{ item.stat.path }}"
        - item is not skipped
        - item.stat.exists
      loop: "{{ rstat_varfiles.results }}"
      loop: "{{ rstat_varfiles.results + rstat2_varfiles.results }}"
        label: >-
          {{ (