Razique Mahroua
2020-03-18 b85c91a8192593f6b62f93e11c971868964343a9
2020-03-18 Razique Mahroua
Set of fixes to make the provisioning of DO999 and DO280 ...
blob@ b85c91 commitdiff | diff to current
2019-10-25 Guillaume Coré
Disable janitor in deletion (#781)
blob@ b43292 commitdiff | diff to current
2019-09-14 Guillaume Coré
Add RANDOM retries to ocp4 route53 task
blob@ b8bf96 commitdiff | diff to current
2019-09-07 Guillaume Coré
ocp4 destroy: always get installer logs + retry to 'destroy cluster'
blob@ 3e92aa commitdiff | diff to current
2019-07-19 Jim Rigsbee
Create new ocp4 workloads and workload removal process (#480)
blob@ bf4161 commitdiff | diff to current
2019-07-11 Guillaume Coré
OCP4: increase timeout for openshift-install destroy
blob@ ec422e commitdiff | diff to current
2019-05-15 Guillaume Coré
OCP4: ignore errors of archive module until upstream is fixed
blob@ 9b7a76 commitdiff | diff to current
2019-04-15 Guillaume Coré
Ocp4 workshop: setup infra_ssh_key in destroy_env.yml too
blob@ 564e9d commitdiff | diff to current
2019-04-04 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: use 'async' for 'openshift-install destroy' long-running task
blob@ c023f9 commitdiff | diff to current
2019-03-29 Guillaume Coré
Create dedicated OCP4 config for workshops and shared clusters
blob@ 1874b6 commitdiff | diff to current
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