Razique Mahroua
2020-03-18 b85c91a8192593f6b62f93e11c971868964343a9
2019-02-07 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Let's Encrypt role, ocp-workshop and Quay-Enterprise to "install" c...
blob@ 9b7d25 commitdiff | diff to current
2019-01-31 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Let's Encrypt to use the fullchain.cer instead of...
blob@ 3a536f commitdiff | diff to current
2018-09-26 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Better documentation (variables in table form, better formatting)
blob@ 76f57e commitdiff | diff to current
2018-08-24 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Renamed infra roles to ocp-infra-*, Updated let's encrypt role, other restr...
blob@ 24284e commitdiff | diff to current
2018-08-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Brand new Let's Encrypt Role. Supports regular and wildcard domains (or bot...
blob@ 6ea5c9 commitdiff | diff to current
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