Jorge Morales Pou
2018-07-19 27c2f1207c42530960ce0f426604948e7a806988
search: (committer)
2018-07-19 Jorge Morales Pou
Fix role import
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2018-06-22 Chris Custine
Initial Commit
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2018-06-14 Siamak Sadeghianfar
fixed too many recursions issue during msac demo verify
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2018-06-19 Nandan Joshi
modifications to create 2 deployments of enmasse
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2018-06-12 Duncan Doyle
Removed project limits, increased quota.
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2018-06-09 Hugo Guerrero
corrected context dir for backend service
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2018-05-14 Guillaume Coré
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2018-05-14 Guillaume Coré
add ocp-ha-lab test scenario
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2018-05-14 Guillaume Coré
remove duplicate entry in ansible.cfg
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2018-05-14 Guillaume Coré
add syntax-check using TravisCI
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2018-05-11 Guillaume Coré
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2018-04-27 Jorge Morales
Updated provisioning. Now uses etherpad
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2018-04-26 Jorge Morales
Updated with fixes required
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2018-04-17 Jorge Morales
Workload for bu added
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2018-03-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated based on feedback from @fridim
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2018-03-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updates for OCP Workshop 3.9(.14)
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2018-03-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated for OCP 3.9(.14)
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2018-03-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Changed open ports, removed ocp_reports, changed to common destroy playbook
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2018-03-21 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added example RC file to README
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2018-03-21 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added OCP Client VM Config and Role
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2018-02-24 Hugo Guerrero
3scale security oidc demo
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2018-02-23 Jorge Morales Pou
Added description.html that can be used from CF
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2018-02-16 Siamak Sadeghianfar
ignore errors on demo verify (#127)
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2018-02-16 Siamak Sadeghianfar
Don't fail on canceling deployments (#126)
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2018-02-16 Siamak Sadeghianfar
Fix db deployments before others in coolstore verify (#125)
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2018-02-15 Siamak Sadeghianfar
verify deployments after demos are deployed
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2018-02-15 Siamak Sadeghianfar
Moved verify tasks to own yaml file to conditionally skip verify blocks (#123)
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2018-02-14 Siamak Sadeghianfar
updated openshift-demos verify and image build playbooks
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2018-02-07 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added setting to configure installation of ASB
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2018-02-06 Guillaume Coré
lets-encrypt: add fakeleintermediatex1.pem to README requirements
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2018-01-19 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix wrong check for env=app instead of env=users to fix TSB pods
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2018-01-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added Let's Encrypt Wildcard Support
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2018-02-01 Siamak Sadeghianfar
updated coolstore demo guides github repo
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2018-02-01 Siamak Sadeghianfar
don't set hostname prefix when undeploy
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2018-01-16 Guillaume Coré
CNS glusterfs for ocp-workshop
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2018-01-02 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: create dedicated IAM user per stack for S3 registry
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2017-11-15 Siamak Sadeghianfar
Minor changes for PR #97
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2017-11-15 Siamak Sadeghianfar
cache nexus templates instead of pulling from GitHub
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2017-11-06 Siamak Sadeghianfar
reverted ansible/configs/opentlc-shared/post_software.yml
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2017-10-31 Siamak Sadeghianfar
replaces nexus 2 role with generic nexus role and RH maven repos
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2017-11-10 Guillaume Coré
fix ssh key behavior
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2017-11-08 Guillaume Coré
ocp-ha-lab: fix hostname
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2017-10-09 Guillaume Coré
ocp_report: add ansible_agnostic_deployer version used
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2017-10-03 Guillaume Coré
cloudformation templates: fix race condition
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2017-09-28 Guillaume Coré
improvements from stress tests
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2017-09-28 Guillaume Coré
add do-until loop for cloudformation destroy
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