Guillaume Coré
2019-03-08 41809ba8acabcfe83efc7ec80b378c2f77b0993f
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2019-03-08 Guillaume Coré
fix typo of 7bb38dcfefcce8b66cb228402ce03553a86f31c3
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2019-03-01 Guillaume Coré
Change repo name to redhat-cop/agnosticd
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2019-02-28 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add optional variables to control cloudtrail and janitor
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2019-02-28 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: fix typo
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2019-02-27 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: Remove condition on region in the user policy
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2019-02-27 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: import env_vars.yml again after inventory is built.
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2019-02-27 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add missing credentials to iam_group module
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: use /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin (not standard PATH)
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: Create secret for registry if it doesn't exist
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add opentlc mgr_user.yml
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: Add 'tag:*' to IAM policy
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: introduce cluster_name variable
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add opentlc-integration to clientvm (optional)
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: create 'students-ocp4-noop IAM group in pre_infra
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: do not try to delete DNS records if there are none
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2019-02-26 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add retries to aws ec2 start-instances
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2019-02-21 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: stop using aws module to delete route53 zone, use ...
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2019-02-21 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: try to handle some RequestLimitExceeded errors
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2019-02-21 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: DRY, run dynamically 'delete_zone.yml' for each zone
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2019-02-21 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: for a route53 zone to be deleted it has to be empty.
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2019-02-21 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: delete manually private zone managed by terraform
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2019-02-20 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: increase timeout for first flight check
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2019-02-20 Guillaume Coré
OCP4: bump version to 0.12 and fix aws permission issue for IAM user
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2019-02-15 Guillaume Coré
Multi Region: Allow traffic on local network
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2019-02-15 Guillaume Coré
Multi Region: VPC peering across regions.
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2019-02-14 Guillaume Coré
Multi Region: add cidr for each region and improve DNS zones
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2019-02-12 Guillaume Coré
Multi Region: update README
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2019-02-12 Guillaume Coré
Multi Region: Add stop and start playbooks
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2019-02-12 Guillaume Coré
Multi Region: Cleanup vars in dynamic includes
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2019-02-12 Guillaume Coré
Multi Region example: First working version
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2019-02-15 Guillaume Coré
Fix Galaxy import when requirements.yml file is empty
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2019-02-12 Guillaume Coré
Remove non-generic URL from sample_vars.yml files
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2019-02-06 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: more post flight check work
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2019-02-06 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add Post Flight Check, send results to the user in email
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2019-02-06 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: use public ip address instead, following 67da7d57
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2019-02-06 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: use another name for the policy in CloudFormation stack
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2019-02-06 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4 lab: send SSH access information to user by email
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2019-02-05 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: typo correction in email sent to user
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2019-02-05 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: do not fail if the cloudtrail command failed
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2019-02-05 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: use shell instead of command for SH built-in 'command -v'
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2019-02-05 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add a about SSH access
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2019-02-04 Guillaume Coré
role common: increase sleep before reboot (version 2.6)
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2019-01-31 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4 destroy: select public stack
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2019-01-29 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: add lock file to forbid deletion when install is r...
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2019-01-29 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: switch to m4 instances
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2019-01-29 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: limit cloudtrail to 10000 events
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2019-01-29 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4 email: use html and <pre> block
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2019-01-29 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: Use shell instead of command to get correct PATH
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2019-01-29 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4: email with newlines
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2019-01-29 Guillaume Coré
OCP4 : bump to 0.11.0 and m5 instances
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