Wolfgang Kulhanek
2019-10-16 433c3c2887aa34e3cef792ab826e6ed6d60454cb
search: Wolfgang Kulhanek (author)
2019-10-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Update Mosh Version (#762)
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2019-10-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added a second loop to approve CSRs that have appeared wh...
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2019-10-10 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix kube cred manager (#752)
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2019-10-09 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Kube Cred Manager Daemon Set to support cluster s...
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2019-10-02 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Move Workloads before cluster shutdown enabled (#730)
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2019-09-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added Hosts file for 3.9.99 (#732)
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2019-09-12 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed empty spec in operator_group for openshift-pipelines
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2019-09-12 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed sequence, added additional checks, fixed remove for Kube Federation W...
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2019-09-12 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Pin Pipelines version while we're at it...
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2019-09-12 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix kube-federation workload
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2019-09-10 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated versions of Quay Operator and Quay
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2019-09-05 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix lifecycle automatic CSR approval step
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2019-09-05 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated nexus Workload for Operator 0.10 (and custom routes if necessary)
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2019-09-03 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Changed maven URL to http to fix errors
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2019-09-03 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated ODO version. Also updated Maven version and moved binary to admin h...
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2019-09-01 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated after 2 tests
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2019-08-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed cluster logging (extra empty storage section for elasticsearch)
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2019-08-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Simplified check for NotReady nodes
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2019-08-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added lifecycle.yml to ocp4-workshop with support to resume broken clusters
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2019-08-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix KubeFederation workload for recent KubeFed changes
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2019-08-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Remove workload to enable cluster shutdown. This is now in post_software.ym...
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2019-08-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed file path for kube cred manager
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2019-08-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add support for shutdown/resume to post-software for OCP 4 Workshops
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2019-08-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed DaemonSet script to set kubeconfig permissions right.
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Emptied out default_workloads in env_vars. To be set in specific configs now.
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed OCP 4 Dev Preview binaries example location (they would have broken o...
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated message for e-mail
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed reading of key/cert if they're there
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated default cpu requests/limits for Quay
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
added 'ge' alias to get oc events sorted by time
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed oc client URL download for dev preview
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Enabled OpenShift Dev Preview installs
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2019-08-28 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added resource requests to Quay objects, added support to specify Quay/Clai...
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2019-08-27 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Update Quay Operator to v0.0.4
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2019-08-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Tekton Dashboard to 0.1.1
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2019-08-21 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add persistent storage to Elasticsearch. EmptyDir causes the pod to be evic...
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2019-08-20 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Remove ca.crt from shutdown prevention daemonset.
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2019-08-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add Tekton Dashboard to Pipelines deploy
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2019-08-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Quay Operator image to v0.0.3
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2019-08-15 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Make installation of Let's Encrypt certifiates for the API Endpoint optiona...
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2019-08-14 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Locking kubefed to 0.1.0
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2019-08-14 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Lock version of KubeFed operator
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2019-08-14 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Kubefedctl
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2019-08-14 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed starting CSV
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2019-08-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Pipeline. Removed starting CSV. Updated tkn.
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2019-08-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Remove old, outdated Quay Config and associated roles
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2019-08-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed unnecessary workload
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2019-08-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Remove extra }}
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2019-08-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Increase wait time to 5m. Add check for succeeding API Calls.
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2019-08-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Remove limitrange
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