Christian Hernandez
2020-01-07 4671d4ed60544a222e08b1781ab4991e0715aa87
search: Wolfgang Kulhanek (committer)
2020-01-07 Christian Hernandez
Updated to use the HOMEROOM_IMAGE ansible variable (#967)
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2020-01-06 Jiří Locker
Add OptaWeb Employee Rostering Demo (#963)
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2020-01-03 Dibyendu Jana
Increased timeout for checking last email for openshift-4.2-workshop (#956)
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2020-01-03 Patrick T. Rutledge III
Update remove_workload.yml (#953)
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2019-12-13 Eric Deandrea
Scale the rhamt-web-console-executor (#934)
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2019-12-10 Nate Stephany
Remove flavor.original_name from status (#923)
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2019-12-10 Nate Stephany
actually change the module names (#921)
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2019-12-09 Nate Stephany
change to os_server_facts (#920)
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2019-12-07 Russell Tweed
Update First_OSP_Env_walkthrough.adoc (#903)
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2019-12-07 Russell Tweed
Add sane defaults while waiting for hosts (#906)
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2019-12-07 Nick Strugnell
Clarify which credentials to use for the Openstack UI. (#908)
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2019-12-07 Michael Kuehl
a simple starter example, based on just-some-nodes-examples (#915)
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2019-12-06 Duncan Doyle
Dmn pmml demo (#916)
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2019-12-06 Guillaume Coré
Introduce new vars: nfs_volume_type (ocp3) and user_base_name (ocp*) (#917)
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2019-12-05 Guillaume Coré
Fix clientvm imageid error (#909)
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2019-12-04 Guillaume Coré
Fix readme (#904)
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2019-11-28 Guillaume Coré
Add pinned EPEL repo + update ansible to 2.8 (#893)
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2019-11-27 James Falkner
Update workload to track CodeReady Workspaces operator up...
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2019-11-26 Vince Power
Updating bash-git-prompt so it uses remote_user instead o...
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2019-11-24 Jorge Morales Pou
Updating the workshop provisioning to standards (#881)
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2019-11-24 Jorge Morales Pou
Workshop about k8s fundamentals (#863)
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2019-11-24 Jorge Morales Pou
Update to newest version (#879)
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2019-11-24 Jorge Morales Pou
Update to 1.0 version of workshop for RHPDS (#880)
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2019-11-24 Nate Stephany
forgot to change zone in jinja (#878)
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2019-11-24 Nate Stephany
Add template for machinesets (#877)
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2019-11-22 Jorge Morales Pou
Updates to num users logic and 1.7.5 of etherpad (#874)
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2019-11-22 Nate Stephany
Change default memory quota (#876)
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2019-11-22 Jorge Morales Pou
Tekton lab update (#873)
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2019-11-22 Petter Abrahamsson
Fix broken API LE cert config (#870)
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2019-11-22 Jorge Morales Pou
Fixed name of variable project name when using scripts 2.x (#872)
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2019-11-20 Jorge Morales Pou
Workload for Building images with podman workshop (#862)
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2019-11-19 Jorge Morales Pou
Homeroom lab starter fix (#860)
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2019-11-19 Jorge Morales Pou
Checking correctly for nexus pod (#859)
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2019-11-19 Guillaume Coré
OCP3 Workshop: Fix ocp report undefined variable error (#857)
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2019-11-19 Jorge Morales Pou
Gogs create repo (#856)
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2019-11-19 Judd Maltin
Mig operator (#855)
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2019-11-18 Nate Stephany
Fix type in (#853)
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2019-11-18 Erik Jacobs
changes to how operator catalog is deployed (#852)
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2019-11-18 Guillaume Coré
Update readme for docker images (#850)
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2019-11-16 Jorge Morales Pou
Etherpad workload (#849)
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2019-11-15 Erik Jacobs
fixes issues with ansible 2.7.9 compat (#848)
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2019-11-14 Jorge Morales Pou
Workload to deploy gogs (#834)
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2019-11-13 Patrick T. Rutledge III
added new host template for 3.11.159 (#840)
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2019-11-13 Jorge Morales Pou
Use the copied kube/config (#837)
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2019-11-13 Daniel Oh
Update tekton pipeline version (#839)
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2019-11-12 Erik Jacobs
Istio 42 upgrade (#827)
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2019-11-12 Nate Stephany
- Heat stack name change to end with GUID (#826)
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2019-11-12 Jorge Morales Pou
Added workload for ocp-ops-view (#821)
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2019-11-12 Nate Stephany
[WIP]New cloud provider config for OpenStack with OpenShift (#807)
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2019-11-08 Erik Jacobs
Ocp admin workshop updates (#817)
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