Wolfgang Kulhanek
2019-01-31 3a536f507668cc04221a5917776d316d1a5edb2b
search: WolfgangKulhanek@gmail.com (author)
2019-01-31 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Let's Encrypt to use the fullchain.cer instead of...
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2019-01-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated install-config for 0.10.0 installer
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2018-10-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated for Rebooting VMs
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2019-01-10 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated version of JQ and S2I, streamlined S2I installation
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2019-01-10 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated defaults for os version and gluster version.
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2019-01-10 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added hosts templates for 3.11.59 for ocp-workshop, ocp-ha and ocp-ha-disco...
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2019-01-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated OpenShift Installer and CLI versions (0.9.1)
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2018-12-14 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed node groups. Using default node groups for both docker and cri-o now.
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2018-12-12 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added hosts file for 3.11.51 ocp-workshop
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2018-12-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Made ignore of wk* generic
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2018-12-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added wk_*.yaml to list of ignored files
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2018-12-07 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated configuration for Service Mesh TP5
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2018-12-06 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed wack scripts
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2018-12-05 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added wack terminating project scripts to bastions in /usr/local/bin
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2018-12-04 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed Yum module
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2018-12-04 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated for Satellite
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2018-12-04 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated for use with Satellite
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2018-12-03 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added 3.9.51 config file
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2018-11-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added "setup_cluster" tags to cluster setup to make it po...
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2018-11-27 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Changed become=False in both instances
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2018-11-21 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed openshift_pkg_version=-{{ osrelease }}
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2018-11-20 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added hosts template for 3.11.43
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2018-11-15 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Explicitely set ca.cert cache file for LE Certs
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2018-11-15 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Made default for NFS Dynamic Provisioner nfs_provisioner_storage_class_arch...
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2018-11-07 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Changed yum module invocation to remove deprecation warnings
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2018-10-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Replaced deprecated "oc volume" with "oc set volume"
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2018-10-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed typo in cassandra pvc storage class
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2018-10-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed wait_for task
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2018-10-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added wait_for step to wait until API Server is back up after restarting
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2018-10-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Changed to search for 3.11 APBs
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2018-10-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed no longer necessary logic to import Jenkins and ose-recycler images
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2018-10-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated default instance type for support nodes
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2018-10-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed logging to NFS on 3.11
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2018-10-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added proper NetworkPolicy support. Updated env_vars.
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2018-10-15 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Maven download location to US, Updated S2I 1.1.12...
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2018-10-15 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed wrong repos for 3.11
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2018-10-15 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added glusterfs_image_tag variable with default v3.10
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2018-10-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated ocp-workshop to 3.11.16
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2018-10-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated ClientVM and ClusterVM to support 3.11.16
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2018-10-04 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed scaleup playbook (now works properly for OCP 3.9.14 and newer)
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2018-10-02 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated private master dns name
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2018-10-02 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated internal master dns name
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2018-10-02 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Prep work for 3.11, updated internal master DNS name
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2018-10-02 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Prep work for 3.11
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2018-10-01 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed openshift_tag -> openshift_image_tag and added openshift_release to p...
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2018-10-01 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed Wildcard Domain
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2018-10-01 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added "openshift_tag=v{{ osrelease }}" to pin system pods to the selected r...
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2018-09-26 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Better documentation (variables in table form, better formatting)
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2018-09-26 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Recommit Changes to Nexus Role
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2018-09-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix mismatched openshift-ansible version for ocp 3.10.45 (needs ocp-ansible...
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