2019-08-12 0020a68b2b155b2664e4915d6df3ab503ffbf53a
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2019-08-12 Tok
Created and extended tower-job-template role from older t...
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2019-08-12 Tok
Cleaned up args in tower-job-template-create and created new copy tower-job...
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2019-08-12 Tok
Cleaned up args in tower-job-template-create and created new copy tower-job...
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2019-08-12 Tok
Started the updates to the ansible-tower config readme
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2019-08-12 Tok
Updated env_type in new ansible-tower config
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2019-08-12 Tok
Cloned config ans-tower-prod to more clearly named ansible-tower
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2019-08-11 Tok
Fixed role typo re awx user id
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2019-08-10 Tok
created babylon-job-runner role
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2019-08-10 Tok
Corrected permissions on the tower-copy-ssh role for awx
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2019-08-10 Tok
Added credentail capability to tower-creat-jobtemplate
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2019-08-10 Tok
Added host field as var to tower credential
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2019-08-10 Tok
Added host field to tower credential
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2019-08-10 Tok
Added tower-credential-create workload role and enabled for ans-tower-prod
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2019-08-07 Tok
Fixed F5 xrdp xfce issues by disabling
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2019-08-07 Tok
Disbaled xfce in F5 workshop due to yum issues
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2019-08-01 Tok
Normalized linklight var files to new workshops
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2019-08-01 Tok
Updated vars files for linklight
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2019-07-31 Tok
Setup tower autolicense for linklight workshops
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2019-07-30 Tok
Updated rhel workshop vars linklight
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2019-07-30 Tok
Updated linklight network vars file for multi-vendor
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2019-06-18 Tok
FTL injection code in pre_software
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2019-06-18 Tok
Setup Ansible for Windows for ftl-injector
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2019-06-11 Tok
Updated ftl-injector version three-tier app
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2019-06-10 Tok
Hard coded RHSCL into open-repos for Tower 3.5
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2019-06-10 Tok
Updated ans-tower-lab repo file for rhscl - needed by Tow...
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2019-06-05 Tok
Enabled gpte specfic tower autolicensing
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2019-06-05 Tok
Udated windows AMIs for Ansible-Windows - Microsoft issue...
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2019-06-05 Tok
Updated broken MSOFT Win 2012 R2 AMIs in ans-tower-lab
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2019-05-31 Tok
Fixed conflict in sample_vars, simple guid change
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2019-05-28 Tok
Further cleanup to S3 bucket URL
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2019-05-28 Tok
Simplified S3 URL and removed moves to http://guid.etc
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2019-05-28 Tok
Refactored pre_infra for linklight
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2019-05-28 Tok
Fixed type in linklight pre_infra
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2019-05-28 Tok
Simplified S3 URL linklight workshop
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2019-05-16 Tok
Updated FTL version via requirements.yml
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2019-05-16 Tok
Updated FTL version via requirements.yml
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2019-05-16 Tok
Added ftl-injection dynamically to ans-tower-labs, not fo...
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2019-05-16 Tok
config three-tier-app dynamically installs FTL role
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2019-05-16 Tok
Updated version number of ftl-injector requirements.yml
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2019-05-15 Tok
Enabled ftl-injection in three tier app
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2019-05-15 Tok
Added requirements.yml to three-tier-app for ftl-injector external role
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2019-05-14 Tok
Added new username var to linklight var to allow linklight to be updated
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2019-04-13 Tok
Capitlized leading letter of new tags for linklight workshops
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2019-04-13 Tok
Unique var names for tagging in linklight config post-infra
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2019-04-13 Tok
Tidy up of linklight strucuture and tagging functionality added to post-infra
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2019-04-13 Tok
More linklight config cleanup, removing -e to sample_vars file
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2019-04-13 Tok
Restrructured linklight configs workshop variable files to vars
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2019-04-13 Tok
Updated config linklight README
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2019-04-13 Tok
Cleaning up linklight config structure and README
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2019-04-09 Tok
Removed requirememts.txt from linklight-foundations
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