Erik M Jacobs
2019-05-03 c3acbfa2c482f3cf87ce8a93b426bf134a620f07
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2019-05-03 Erik M Jacobs
changes the configuration of the deployed istio controlpl...
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2019-05-01 Erik M Jacobs
Additional vars for workshopper role (#406)
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2019-05-01 Erik M Jacobs
changes deployment pull policies (#405)
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2019-04-26 Erik M Jacobs
changes to deployed istio workload (#399)
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2019-04-26 Erik M Jacobs
adds bastion hostname as env var (for ops lab) (#398)
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2019-04-25 Erik M Jacobs
adds kubeadmin password to workshopper (#392)
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2019-04-24 Erik M Jacobs
adds gateway configuration for istio tutorial (#388)
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2019-04-24 Erik M Jacobs
injects API_URL and MASTER_URL as workshopper vars all the time (#387)
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2019-04-23 Erik M Jacobs
workshopper role that deploys a labguide into a project (#386)
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2019-04-23 Erik M Jacobs
accidentally nuked a bunch of the istio controlplane workload role (#384)
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2019-04-23 Erik M Jacobs
istio tutorial workload (#383)
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2019-04-23 Erik M Jacobs
adds required last task to workload (#382)
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2019-04-23 Erik M Jacobs
Deploys Istio control plane into OCP4 (#381)
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2019-04-19 Erik M Jacobs
Adds cluster autoscale for ocp4 and cleans some descriptions (#370)
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2019-04-03 Erik M Jacobs
ocp4 logging workload (#368)
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2019-04-01 Erik M Jacobs
Creates an infra machineset with 3 nodes based on the AZ of the first exist...
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2019-01-15 Erik M Jacobs
0.10 installer is out
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2018-11-08 Erik M Jacobs
Merge pull request #276 from thoraxe/gpu-311
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2018-11-08 Erik M Jacobs
adds pre-pull of images
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2018-11-08 Erik M Jacobs
update psap repo ref
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2018-11-08 Erik M Jacobs
Tweaks for the GPU demo and OCP 3.11 and the new repos
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2018-10-16 Erik M Jacobs
updates for gpu demo
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2018-10-11 Erik M Jacobs
changes the tag ref for the nvidia post software for the ...
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2018-09-10 Erik M Jacobs
Switches to file repos and adds missing cloudapps dns entry
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2018-08-27 Erik M Jacobs
Adds postsoftware check
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2018-08-03 Erik M Jacobs
merge development into single-node-gpu
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2018-08-03 Erik M Jacobs
1 node ec2 deployment of OpenShift with NVIDIA GPU support for demos
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2018-08-03 Erik M Jacobs
changes the OCP provisioner role to support 3.10
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2018-07-30 Erik M Jacobs
starting to work on single node gpu demo
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2018-07-30 Erik M Jacobs
Merge branch 'development' of
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2017-05-25 Erik M Jacobs
More thorough cleanup for bu workshop
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2017-05-25 Erik M Jacobs
Modifies workshop ssh vars to use generated file
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2017-05-25 Erik M Jacobs
Adds ssh config file generation into workdir for accessing through bastion
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2017-05-25 Erik M Jacobs
Removes extra line
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2017-05-25 Erik M Jacobs
Changes testing readiness to locally delegated
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2017-05-22 Erik M Jacobs
Fixes jinja conditional templating warnings
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2017-05-22 Erik M Jacobs
Fixes a jinja templating conditional warning
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Suppresses Ansible 2.3.0 jinja when warning
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Cleans up bu-workshop post
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Adds missing pre_infra to bu-workshop
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Changes bu-workshop ssh vars file to match others.
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Removes extra blank line
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Fixes Ansible 2.3.0 messages about jinja in when
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Suppresses Ansible 2.3.0 warning about jinja in conditionals
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Removes extra blank line
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Creating key should be parameterized
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Removes invalid gather statement
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Uses Ansible's sleep instead of shell
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2017-05-19 Erik M Jacobs
Fixes modeline
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2017-03-28 Erik M Jacobs
Changes lab guide environment variable to nodes from num_nodes
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