Wolfgang Kulhanek
2019-08-08 d37c1627458de230d9e277b00d506eb64278d0b2
search: WolfgangKulhanek@gmail.com (author)
2019-08-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Various fixes for operators. Major rework of logging work...
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2019-08-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated retries and timeouts for TSB/ASB
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2019-08-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Update timeouts. Fix logging check
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2019-08-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Decreased retries and delay for TSB CSV now that we can ignore errors.
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2019-08-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix Pipelines Operator (dev-preview channel instead of alpha)
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2019-08-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Ignore TSB/ASB/Logging errors, print message instead.
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2019-08-08 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated versions for TKN CLI and Tekton Operator
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2019-08-06 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Example Workload (and Quay Operator Workload) wit...
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2019-08-06 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated pre-workload with correct message for RHPD
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2019-08-06 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Changed Post-Software message to work on RHPDS
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2019-08-05 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added comments and printouts
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2019-08-05 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added auto-generated Quay Superuser Password, added user.info printout for ...
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2019-08-01 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added workload to enable OCP 4 cluster suspend/resume.
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2019-07-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated tkn CLI to 0.2.0
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2019-07-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added quay route default
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2019-07-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added requestor to project to enable idling/unidling
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2019-07-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added become_user
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2019-07-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Remove non-working Quay role
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2019-07-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Quay Operator Role for RHPDS
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2019-07-30 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated Route name to use _quay_name
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2019-07-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added support to Quay Operator Workload to re-use Let's Encrypt certificate...
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2019-07-29 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added fixed configuration for fixed operator image
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2019-07-26 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added further customization and documentation
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2019-07-26 Wolfgang Kulhanek
New workload to deploy the Quay operator - and a quay instance.
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2019-07-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added workload for RHTE 2019 to grant cluster-admin to users.
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2019-07-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added variable to allow student_workload deployment with self provisioners on
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2019-07-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed UserQuota Operator
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2019-07-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed Metering workload from defaults
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2019-07-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updates for Pipelines Role for 0.5.0
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2019-07-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed ocp4-workload-terminal. Apparently still works on OCP 3 as well.
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2019-07-24 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated hosts template for OCP 3.11.129
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2019-07-24 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added ocp4-workload-terminal. Marked ocp-workload-terminal as deprecated (d...
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2019-07-23 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added Operator Group to Kube Fed Workload (no operator group in kube-federa...
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2019-07-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated KubeFed Role readme (and removed obsolete variable)
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2019-07-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added workload ocp4-workload-openshift-pipelines to deploy Tekton Pipelines...
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2019-07-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed minimum memory quotas. Added CPU quota to limitranges.
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2019-07-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add logic to scale IngressControllers to just 1 replica if there is only 1 ...
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2019-07-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add project if kube-federation-system project (or other project) doesn't ex...
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2019-07-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Changed kubefed project to kube-federation-system (kubefed default)
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2019-07-22 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Updated (and fixed) Kube Federation Workload
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2019-07-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added Build Defaults to OpenTLC Production Config workload
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2019-07-12 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added workload to deploy Kube Federation Operator
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2019-07-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Removed 3.11.117 hosts file. That release doesn't have the right rpms.
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2019-07-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added hosts Template for 3.11.117 for ocp3 workshop
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2019-07-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fixed wrong link to oc client in user.info (was pointing at installer)
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2019-07-10 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added install-config for 4.1.4 for ocp4 configs
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2019-06-18 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added delay to wait for TSB DC to exist
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2019-06-18 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Added logic to TSB workload to kill operator pod afgter d...
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2019-06-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Re-enabled userquotaoperator and lets encrypt certificates
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2019-06-17 Wolfgang Kulhanek
added _asb prefix to all variables
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