Guillaume Coré
2018-05-02 f0b5eea828e66446f6475026379258994e1a937d
search: (committer)
2018-05-02 Guillaume Coré
OCP on Azure: do not create public ip for nodes
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2018-04-30 Guillaume Coré
fix ocp-workshop with satellite repos
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2018-04-19 Guillaume Coré
cleanup ssh config
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2018-04-19 Guillaume Coré
bastion ssh config: use remote user instead of hardcoded ec2-user
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2018-04-19 Guillaume Coré
ssh config: increase ConnectionAttempts to 10 (default is 1)
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2018-04-19 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop fix for 3.9 on azure
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2018-04-18 Guillaume Coré
Fix error with glibc-common on RHEL 7.5
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2018-04-12 Guillaume Coré
destroy_env.yml: add aws access keys and secret
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2018-04-09 Guillaume Coré
azure destroy env: delete delegation must be done for both methods
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2018-03-30 Guillaume Coré
ocp on azure: improve performances
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2018-03-30 Guillaume Coré
fix version compare
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop on azure: add cloudapp DNS record
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
fix ocp-ha-lab for which install_glusterfs is not defined
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
Merge branch 'ocp-azure' into development
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
openshift: configure support nodes if install_glusterfs
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
bastion-opentlc-ipa: add ipa_additional_options
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
common: retries 'yum update' before failing.
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
Azure infra: add missing must/create_inventory tags
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2018-03-29 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: do not gather fact in pre-software (not needed)
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2018-03-09 Guillaume Coré
OCP Workshop on Azure
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2018-03-20 Guillaume Coré
lets_encrypt: cast var to bool
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2018-03-20 Guillaume Coré
ec2: reboot instance if first wait_for_connection failed
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2018-03-13 Guillaume Coré
ec2-infra: ping after wait_for_connection
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2018-03-13 Guillaume Coré
use HTTP instead of HTTPS for epel repos
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2018-03-09 Guillaume Coré
harden .gitignore for secret vars
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2018-03-08 Guillaume Coré
add default value for 'deploy_tower_demo' to false
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2018-03-06 Guillaume Coré
openshift-demos: create kube config in undeploy as well
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2018-03-06 Guillaume Coré
openshift-demos: copy .kube/config to 'oc_kube_config'
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2018-03-02 Guillaume Coré
auth-playground-lab: add windows group to hosts file
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2018-03-02 Guillaume Coré
bastions: always try to install python modules for window...
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2018-03-02 Guillaume Coré
add mosh to bastions
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2018-03-01 Guillaume Coré
bastion: install python-requests for windows modules
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2018-03-01 Guillaume Coré
bastion pywinrm: use yum instead
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2018-03-01 Guillaume Coré
fix ansible for windows machines
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2018-03-01 Guillaume Coré
run ipa_optimze before visudo validation
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2018-02-28 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: restore post-software fix for ose-recycler
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2018-02-21 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workloads: add silent option
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2018-02-20 Guillaume Coré
Merge branch 'development'
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2018-02-19 Guillaume Coré
IPA: increase retries on sudo after ipa-client-install
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2018-02-19 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: self-provisioners, disable clusterRoleBinding auto-update
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2018-02-19 Guillaume Coré
bastion-opentlc-ipa: allow IPA user/password
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2018-02-16 Guillaume Coré
openshift-demos: fix idle playbook
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2018-02-15 Guillaume Coré
openshift-demos: fix error with labels
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2018-02-15 Guillaume Coré
openshift-demos: verify playbook needs variables from env_vars
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2018-02-13 Guillaume Coré
openshift-demos: add requirements-prod.yml
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2018-02-13 Guillaume Coré
opentlc-integration: fix .ssh permissions for mgr_users
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2018-02-09 Guillaume Coré
use 'order' directive instead of jinja2 |sort filter
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2018-02-08 Guillaume Coré
fix NFS exportfs when multiple support hosts
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2018-02-07 Guillaume Coré
fix NFS host in PV definition when multiple support hosts
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2018-02-08 Guillaume Coré
add ignore_errors to authorized_keys tasks
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