Jaime Ramírez
2020-06-18 a380a59ec11502725b79b2073822d95f0b1a7ab2
search: jaime.ramirez@redhat.com (author)
2020-06-18 Jaime Ramírez
fix(adopt-a-pup): Increase timeout (#60)
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2020-06-17 Jaime Ramírez
feat(adopt-a-pup): frontend server endpoint for news (#58)
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2020-06-17 Jaime Ramírez
fix(adopt-a-pup): single file frontend build (#57)
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2020-06-17 Jaime Ramírez
feat(adopt-a-pup): Added loader to shelter detail (#54)
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2020-06-16 Jaime Ramírez
docs(adopt-a-pup): Add CI/CD info to readme (#52)
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2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
fix(Jenkinsfile): Fixing timeout issue (#50)
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2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
fix(adopt-a-pup): Handle denied adoptions (#48)
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2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
ci(Jenkinsfile): Reduced timeout for input
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2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
ci(Jenkinsfile): Catch timeout exception (#49)
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2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
Update Jenkinsfile-curriculum
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2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
Fix lint and tests (#46)
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2020-06-11 Jaime Ramírez
Added CI pipeline (#39)
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Fixed dockerfile copy
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Adding loaders and data loading error handling
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Improved server
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Add style change
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Added dockerfile
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Added news rest service
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Added run time env variables for prod
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
Restored missing type definition for animal details view
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2020-06-03 Jaime Ramírez
remove ide files
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2020-06-02 Jaime Ramírez
Merge branch 'adopapup-front' of github.com:RedHatTraining/DO328-apps into ...
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2020-06-02 Jaime Ramírez
Added Shelter detail view
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2020-06-02 Jaime Ramírez
Fixed adoption service
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2020-06-02 Jaime Ramírez
Added adoption form
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2020-06-01 Jaime Ramírez
Adding more services
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2020-06-01 Jaime Ramírez
Some refactor for news components
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2020-06-01 Jaime Ramírez
Added adoption endpoint
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2020-06-01 Jaime Ramírez
Added basic animals list
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2020-06-01 Jaime Ramírez
Added news
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2020-05-29 Jaime Ramírez
Added basic REST functionality
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2020-05-29 Jaime Ramírez
Scaffolded adoptapup frontend
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