Prakhar Srivastava
2019-09-12 93bd791838062b9613314894ab46c61a450040c3
search: Prakhar Srivastava (author)
2019-09-12 Prakhar Srivastava
commit | commitdiff | tree
2019-09-12 Prakhar Srivastava
commit | commitdiff | tree
2019-09-12 Prakhar Srivastava
commit | commitdiff | tree
2019-09-12 Prakhar Srivastava
commit | commitdiff | tree
2019-09-12 Prakhar Srivastava
commit | commitdiff | tree
2019-09-12 Prakhar Srivastava
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2019-09-09 Prakhar Srivastava
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2019-08-29 Prakhar Srivastava
admin_user blck deleted
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2019-08-29 Prakhar Srivastava
tower_workloads_workaround.yml deleted, sandbox-creds-copy role created for...
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2019-08-09 Prakhar Srivastava
tower_prod ready for deployment. tower_credential role Wip
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2019-07-03 Prakhar Srivastava
New multi-region-tower config
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2019-06-05 Prakhar Srivastava
fixing tower config
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2019-05-30 Prakhar Srivastava
Ansible Tower HW for 3.5 is ready
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2019-05-30 Prakhar Srivastava
Ansible Tower 3.5 repos fixed
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2019-05-30 Prakhar Srivastava
Change install-tower role
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2019-03-29 Prakhar Srivastava
Install ansible added
commit | commitdiff | tree
2019-03-29 Prakhar Srivastava
Merge branch 'development' of
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2019-03-29 Prakhar Srivastava
Ansible removed
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2019-03-27 Prakhar Srivastava
Added ansible in common package
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2019-03-26 Prakhar Srivastava
Merge branch 'development' of
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2019-03-26 Prakhar Srivastava
Ansible Tower role updated to install latest
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2019-02-06 Prakhar Srivastava
Added more variables
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2019-02-06 Prakhar Srivastava
Added more variables
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2019-02-05 Prakhar Srivastava
Added more variables
commit | commitdiff | tree
2019-02-05 Prakhar Srivastava
Added more variables
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2019-02-05 Prakhar Srivastava
container_runtime variable added in env_vars file
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2019-02-05 Prakhar Srivastava
3.11 hosts j2 template copied from ocp workshop
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2019-02-05 Prakhar Srivastava
3.11 repo j2 template copied from ocp workshop
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2019-01-30 Prakhar Srivastava
Tower Homework Fix
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2018-12-05 Prakhar Srivastava
changed README
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2018-11-30 Prakhar Srivastava
Test ans-tower-lab with secret file
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2018-11-28 Prakhar Srivastava
Test completed for ans-tower-lab
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-11-28 Prakhar Srivastava
Test completed for ans-tower-lab
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-11-28 Prakhar Srivastava
Test done for ans-tower-lab
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
Tower 3.2.3 added
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
Tower 3.2.3 added
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
Ansible tower version 3.2.3
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
fixed typo
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
fixed typo
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
Merge branch 'development' of
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
ansible version lock
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2018-11-20 Prakhar Srivastava
ansible version lock
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2018-11-14 Prakhar Srivastava
pip fixed
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-11-14 Prakhar Srivastava
install pip
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-11-14 Prakhar Srivastava
role updated
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2018-10-18 Prakhar Srivastava
role fixed for install-tower
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-04-16 Prakhar Srivastava
SG updated
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2018-03-08 Prakhar Srivastava
Windows ports fixed
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-03-08 Prakhar Srivastava
Windows ports fixed
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-03-08 Prakhar Srivastava
Merge branch 'development' of
commit | commitdiff | tree
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