Guillaume Coré
2019-10-08 96df46441788cad3472258535bd5048f532eda98
openshift-applier workload: allow annotation for ocp_username (#747)

This commit, if applied, makes ocp-workload-openshift-applier add
the annotation '' for the namespaces specified
in `target_namespaces` list.

When the applier workload is run as 'system:admin' and 'ocp_username' var is
provided, the 'target_namespaces' are annotated properly.
2 files modified
62 ■■■■ changed files
ansible/configs/ocp-workloads/examples/cakephp-openshift-applier.yml 17 ●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history
ansible/roles/ocp-workload-openshift-applier/tasks/post_workload.yml 45 ●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history