Jiří Locker
2020-02-26 9cb5647559f5f7dc79258748415facf45303f38d
OptaWeb Employee Rostering: Increase JVM heap memory

The application becomes unresponsive after being used for a short time
when relying on the default memory settings. I even saw it crash with
OutOfMemoryError once.

Increasing the heap memory size addresses these issues. I used the
application with these settings for some time and the memory consumption
settled down on 1.4 Gi so I assume 2 Gi should be enough (unless there's
a memory leak).
1 files modified
1 ■■■■ changed files
ansible/roles/ocp-workload-optaweb-employee-rostering/tasks/workload.yml 1 ●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history