Tim Beattie
2018-06-06 1d1cdd0cedae976da9e600636cb051b7f0efa535
author Tim Beattie <tbeattie@redhat.com>
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 14:53 +0200
committer Tim Beattie <tbeattie@redhat.com>
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 14:53 +0200
tree b5576e14ef9a0ce33b0df567866073b2502b7408 tree | zip | gz
parent 15abe05f1233ddf1600beb7d80d44d850bebfdfa view | diff
updated setup facilitation notes to include points about:
- [x] How many people should be involved in facilitation
- [x] Approach for adding facilitator (attend -> shadow -> facilitate)
- [x] Set-up day (or days!) - create everything as you expect it and then take it down
- [x] Setting up retrospective canvases (day 2 - tables; day 3 - full group)
- [x] Make stories and examples your own where you can
- [x] Catering during the Enablement - breakfast, lunch and coffee
- [x] The importance of having a social during the week
- [x] Videos to watch
- [x] Energisers to break up days
- [x] Swag
- [x] Starting point and the value of teams configuring the space
- [x] Slack
1 files modified
27 ■■■■■ changed files
facilitation/00-setup/README.md 27 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history