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Ansible Role: Maistra and OpenShift Service Mesh (Istio, Kiali and Jaeger)

Build Status

Ansible Role for deploying Maistra and OpenShift Service Mesh on OpenShift which deploys the
following components:

  • Istio
  • Jaeger
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Kiali

Role Variables

Variable Default Value Description

|openshift_master_public | - | Required | OpenShift master public url (required) |
|maistra_version | maistra-0.1.0-ocp-3.1.0-istio-1.0.0 | Optional | Maistra version to deploy |
|kiali_username | admin | Optional | Kiali username |
|kiali_password | admin | Optional | Kiali password |
|openshift_cli | oc | Optional | OpenShift CLI command and arguments (e.g. auth) |

Example Playbook

name: Example Playbook
hosts: localhost
- import_role:
    name: siamaksade.openshift_maistra
    openshift_master_public: https://master.openshift.mydomain.com