Guillaume Coré
2018-11-20 6ab469aeca40c181be8322065a7f24111be48410
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2018-11-20 Guillaume Coré
commit | commitdiff | tree
2018-11-20 Guillaume Coré
condition hardening
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2018-11-20 Guillaume Coré
condition hardening
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2018-11-20 Guillaume Coré
use another register for the second call ec2_ami_facts to...
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2018-11-20 Guillaume Coré
Ensure ec2_ami_facts is succeeded before checking the reg...
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2018-11-20 Guillaume Coré
enable custom_image in default Cloudformation template
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2018-11-20 Guillaume Coré
Introduce custom_image_filter variable
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2018-11-15 Guillaume Coré
Use repo_version instead of osrelease for custom images
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2018-11-15 Guillaume Coré
Add missing custom_image_id to ocp-clientvm CF template
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2018-11-14 Guillaume Coré
WIP packer ocp-clientvm
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2018-11-15 Guillaume Coré
Update OCP ClientVM pipeline
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2018-11-14 Guillaume Coré
Add labs_hosts_template for 3.9.14
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2018-11-14 Guillaume Coré
OCP HA Lab: add default for new_node_instance_count in 3....
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2018-11-13 Guillaume Coré
LE: support both acme_args and acme_additional_args
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2018-11-13 Guillaume Coré
Bastion: fix mosh
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2018-11-12 Guillaume Coré
Update windows ami for ans-tower-lab
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2018-11-12 Guillaume Coré
Cleanup static tests
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2018-11-12 Guillaume Coré
remove test_oc.yml
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2018-11-08 Guillaume Coré
replace now missing WIN2012R2 ami
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2018-11-08 Guillaume Coré
Always create a minimum of 200 users for authentication O...
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2018-11-08 Guillaume Coré
Do not use synchronize in iot-demo
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2018-11-08 Guillaume Coré
OCP Workshop: make sure workloads run as root from master1
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2018-11-08 Guillaume Coré
Add become_override variable to iot-demo workload
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2018-11-07 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: add rsync to common packages
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2018-11-07 Guillaume Coré
iot-workload: make it suitable to be used as a student wo...
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2018-11-07 Guillaume Coré
Patch iot-demo workload so it can be used as a student-workload
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2018-11-07 Guillaume Coré
Bastion: do not try to install python2-winrm
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2018-11-07 Guillaume Coré
detect and set AWS region in case aws_region_final is not defined
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2018-11-06 Guillaume Coré
ec2 common template: use instances[].volumes[].enable
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2018-09-26 Guillaume Coré
Consolidate Cloudformation template generation
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2018-11-06 Guillaume Coré
clientVM: register to IPA as the last step
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2018-11-05 Guillaume Coré
clientVM pipeline: rename DEV catalog
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2018-11-05 Guillaume Coré
clientVM Pipeline: add CURLOPT to missing commands
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2018-11-05 Guillaume Coré
clientVM pipeline: parameterize region
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2018-11-05 Guillaume Coré
clientVM pipeline: Add Region
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2018-11-05 Guillaume Coré
clientVM pipeline: temporary fix for SSL issue with lab
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2018-11-05 Guillaume Coré
clientVM pipeline: add runtime and expiration
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2018-10-19 Guillaume Coré
Print ansible logs in Client VM Jenkins Pipeline
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2018-10-19 Guillaume Coré
Client VM jenkins pipeline: fix catalog item names
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2018-10-19 Guillaume Coré
Update Client VM pipeline
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2018-10-18 Guillaume Coré
Add a link to ocp-workload-iot-demo jenkins pipeline in tests/
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2018-10-18 Guillaume Coré allow user with old bash version to use the script
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2018-10-18 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: add a condition on version for ocp-infra-en...
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2018-10-17 Guillaume Coré create tag when it does not exist
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2018-10-17 Guillaume Coré
rhte-ocp-workshop: add missing template
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2018-10-16 Guillaume Coré
Update poll_emails
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2018-10-16 Guillaume Coré
Fix syntax-check for ansible 2.7, add ocp-workshop on azu...
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2018-10-16 Guillaume Coré
Nexus role: do not wait for nexus to be ready by default
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2018-10-16 Guillaume Coré
OCP Workshop on Azure reborn
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2018-10-16 Guillaume Coré
ansible.cfg: Increase fork to 50
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