Guillaume Coré
2018-12-13 82dee893ec4e2232258d9ede63f0ab6944c9b058
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2018-12-13 Guillaume Coré
Revert "OCP 4 Preview: don't do nested domains"
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2018-12-13 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4 Preview: don't do nested domains
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2018-12-13 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4 preview: change cluster name
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2018-12-13 Guillaume Coré
allow HostedZoneId in Common Cloudformation template
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2018-12-12 Guillaume Coré
OCP 4 preview: write back to user the kubeadmin credentials
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2018-12-12 Guillaume Coré
Automate OCP 4 deploy/destroy cluster in ocp4-coreos-deployer
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2018-12-11 Guillaume Coré
fix repo in ocp4-coreos-deployer
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2018-12-11 Guillaume Coré
VPC address space should be private, not public
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2018-12-11 Guillaume Coré
Fix YAML syntax in Three tier app
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2018-12-10 Guillaume Coré
OCP GPU Single node: remove Azure disk detection
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2018-12-10 Guillaume Coré
Delete s3 bucket before stack destroy in OCP GPU Single Node
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2018-12-10 Guillaume Coré
Use default Cloudformation template in ocp4-coreos-deployer
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2018-12-10 Guillaume Coré
Update Azure setup instructions in Preparing_your_workstation.adoc
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2018-12-07 Guillaume Coré
IoT pipeline: adding mandatory nodes param
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2018-12-07 Guillaume Coré
IoT pipeline: updating catalog item name
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2018-12-07 Guillaume Coré
Enable DEBUG of cloudforms-oob in jenkins pipelines
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2018-12-07 Guillaume Coré
IoT pipeline: Add mandatory dialog values to the request
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2018-12-06 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: define repo_version dynamically from osrelease
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2018-12-06 Guillaume Coré
rhte-oc-cluster-vms: fix infinite loop in vars
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2018-12-05 Guillaume Coré
ocp-workshop: include whole setup runtime in scaleup playbook
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2018-12-05 Guillaume Coré
packer.adoc: reorder sub-sections
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2018-12-05 Guillaume Coré
Add :toc2: to packer.adoc
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2018-12-05 Guillaume Coré
Remove ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH from doc
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2018-12-05 Guillaume Coré
Update documentation for custom images (Packer)
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2018-12-04 Guillaume Coré
Add deprecation warning for ANSIBLE_REPO_PATH
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2018-12-04 Guillaume Coré
rhte-oc-cluster-vm: Add become_override when apply OCP Wo...
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2018-12-04 Guillaume Coré
Don't use development branch for OCP Workload in rhte-oc-cluster-vms
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
Use destroy roles in Ansible Tower Lab
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
Fix relative path in host-ocp-provision role
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
Zabbix tasks: Do not fail+ignore, set failed_when to false instead
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
Fix path in install_galaxy_roles.yml
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
Make partial run of the playbook work when using --tags
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
Add tags to setup_runtime step
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2018-12-03 Guillaume Coré
Add tag to include_vars playbook
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2018-12-01 Guillaume Coré
Fix ec2 pre-checks
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2018-12-01 Guillaume Coré
Do not delete stack if fallback_regions is not defined
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2018-11-30 Guillaume Coré
Add include_vars into ec2_infra before merging agnosticD-v2
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2018-11-30 Guillaume Coré
OCP Workshop scaleup: remove var_files and add AWS creds for ec2
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2018-11-30 Guillaume Coré
include vars in ocp-workshop/scaleup.yml playbook
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2018-11-30 Guillaume Coré
Add ec2_pre_checks.yml
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2018-11-29 Guillaume Coré
Add preserve_hostname to cloud.cfg
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2018-11-27 Guillaume Coré
Add yaml stdout callback to ansible.cfg
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2018-11-26 Thomas Qvarnström
Fixed issues with wrong version of galaxy scripts
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2018-11-23 Guillaume Coré
Rename 'scripts' to 'tools' and move packer files there
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2018-11-23 Guillaume Coré
Add packer tag to include_vars tasks
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2018-11-23 Guillaume Coré
Add 3.11.43 to OCP ClientVM pipeline
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2018-11-23 Guillaume Coré
Cleanup infra-local-create-ssh_key role
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2018-11-23 Guillaume Coré
OCP HA Lab: Define repo_version according to osrelease in env_vars
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2018-11-23 Guillaume Coré
ocp-clientvm env_vars: Move docker_version after repo_version
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