2020-03-17 e27dae68422a41b36f1f3a7511e942d9d5a430cc
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2020-03-17 prakhar1985
Git server added and empty git repo server role added (#1347)
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2020-03-17 Nate Stephany
Fix set-repositories role (#1346)
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2020-03-16 Nate Stephany
changes to satellite role for rhel8 (#1344)
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2020-03-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add remove default machineset param (#1343)
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2020-03-16 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Update documentation in example workload with dictionary approach (#1342)
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2020-03-16 Johnathan Kupferer
Add agnosticd_user_info for ocp4_workshop (#1320)
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2020-03-16 Johnathan Kupferer
Add agnosticd_user_info for ocp4-ha-lab (#1327)
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2020-03-16 Marcos Entenza
Change bastion hostname and ansible inventory (#1341)
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2020-03-16 Ondřej Ezr
Improve satellite installation (#1340)
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2020-03-16 Ondřej Ezr
Satellite activation key using foreman-ansible-modules (#1339)
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2020-03-16 prakhar1985
Added git server (#1338)
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2020-03-15 prakhar1985
RHEL Version set (#1337)
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2020-03-14 Wolfgang Kulhanek
More checks. Check for ClusterVersion to make the role wo...
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2020-03-14 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Change _input -> _vars, _secret -> _secrets (#1335)
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2020-03-14 Nate Stephany
[WIP] RHEL8 clientvm (#1322)
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2020-03-13 Vince Power
Adding a Google Cloud Provider and the ocp4-cluster as gcp enabled (#1244)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix scc cleanup (Quay Operator Bug) (#1334)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add 10 second delay (#1333)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix default dictionary (#1332)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix duplicat variable name (ocp_workloads) (#1331)
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2020-03-13 J. Alexander Jacocks
Add SELinux policy writing workshop (#1329)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix workload destroy (#1330)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix workloads (#1328)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Update Quay Operator to new variable structure. Removed non-marketplace dep...
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2020-03-13 Ondřej Ezr
Satellite content-view role use foreman-ansible-modules (#1304)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix stat check (#1325)
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2020-03-13 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add virtualenv to workloads deployed to shared clusters. (#1319)
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2020-03-13 Joel Lord
Updated to latest version (#1323)
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2020-03-12 James Falkner
Update knative-serving operator workaround (#1321)
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2020-03-12 Nate Stephany
Add rhel 7/8 conditional for clientvm role (#1316)
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2020-03-12 Wolfgang Kulhanek
[WIP] New way of doing role inputs (#1309)
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2020-03-12 Guillaume Coré
update clientvm_instance_image (#1317)
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2020-03-12 Nate Stephany
remove overwatch annotations for install test (#1313)
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2020-03-12 Erik Jacobs
changes spam workload for ansible 2.8 sillyness (#1312)
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2020-03-12 Nate Stephany
Remove bucket from defaults and add tests (#1307)
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2020-03-11 James Falkner
Workaround OOMKilled issues with knative-serving and knat...
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2020-03-11 Jiří Locker
Set memory request and limit (#1302)
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2020-03-11 Erik Jacobs
reverts k8s_info to k8s_facts (#1305)
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2020-03-11 Ondřej Ezr
Satellite lifecycle role using foreman-ansible-modules (#1303)
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2020-03-11 Ondřej Ezr
Add infra roles to ansible/ansible.cfg (#1299)
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2020-03-11 Guillaume Coré
Separate infra roles create new role dir 'roles-infra' (#1296)
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2020-03-11 Ondřej Ezr
Satellite subscriptions management (#1293)
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2020-03-11 Nate Stephany
Add etcd WAL performance test to OCP4 disconnected config...
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2020-03-11 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Enable Infra Nodes (and Machine Autoscaling) for OpenStac...
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2020-03-11 Ondřej Ezr
Satellite role - create organization through foreman-ansible-modules (#1289)
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2020-03-10 Tony Kay
New Ansible Workshop Config (ansible-workshops) with new networking options...
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2020-03-10 Judd Maltin
ocp-workshop: simplify ec2 cloudformations templ (#1291)
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2020-03-10 Erik Jacobs
sets OC version when deploying labguide (#1290)
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2020-03-10 Erik Jacobs
Rhte 2019 keynote ai demo (#1287)
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2020-03-10 Gareth Healy
Added owners for ocp4-workload-pam-fraudmanagement-worksh...
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