2020-03-03 73a52a15ce4aefe711f0dd684cadb5cb2c52602d
2020-03-03 joelbirchler
WIP github_ssh_key is now git_ssh_key
tree@ 73a52a commitdiff
2020-03-03 joelbirchler
Removes /ocp/common from baseurls and expects path in own_repo_path
tree@ ab9dbb commitdiff
2020-03-03 joelbirchler
WIP private workloads works and properly cleans up
tree@ b2bd21 commitdiff
2020-03-02 joelbirchler
WIP workloads imports correctly but is messy
tree@ b727c0 commitdiff
2020-02-28 joelbirchler
WIP Adds templates to do417 agnosticd-workload
tree@ 306118 commitdiff
2020-02-28 joelbirchler
WIP changes localhost to specific internal domain names for gitlab and tower
tree@ 409b6f commitdiff
2020-02-28 joelbirchler
WIP first attempt at gitlab and tower setup in a workload
tree@ 222a14 commitdiff
2020-02-27 joelbirchler
WIP ansible-skylight workload basically runs
tree@ c5ee7b commitdiff
2020-02-27 Razique Mahroua
Initial PoC support
tree@ 9f5643 commitdiff
2020-02-12 Jim Rigsbee
Parameterize the waiting of AWS power state.
tree@ 6b6705 commitdiff
2020-02-11 Jim Rigsbee
Changed AMIs for Windows 2016 and 2019 servers
tree@ 7ccfac commitdiff
2020-02-12 Jim Rigsbee
Add PSRP through bastion for Windows hosts
tree@ 401011 commitdiff
2020-02-13 Jim Rigsbee
Add status reporting API to bastion
tree@ 05caf9 commitdiff
2020-02-13 Jim Rigsbee
Add ansible-skylight style classroom
tree@ 1e2288 commitdiff
2020-02-28 James Falkner
fix up usernames (#1202)
tree@ 644585 commitdiff
2020-02-26 Jiří Locker
OptaWeb Employee Rostering: Increase JVM heap memory
tree@ 9cb564 commitdiff
2020-02-27 Gareth Healy
Added business automation workload (#1201)
tree@ 05c8bb commitdiff
2020-02-27 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add variable ocp4_enable_cluster_shutdown, remove tag (#1200)
tree@ 8c3473 commitdiff
2020-02-27 James Falkner
remove m2 mount so pre-cached artifacts are visible (#1199)
tree@ 1e65b0 commitdiff
2020-02-27 prakhar1985
Role added to copy tower license (#1198)
tree@ e843cc commitdiff
2020-02-27 jamesfalkner
Update CRW password; increase robustness of pre-warming o...
tree@ a77034 commitdiff
2020-02-27 prakhar1985
Allowed port 80 in SG (#1196)
tree@ b42a42 commitdiff
2020-02-27 prakhar1985
Fixed repo template (#1195)
tree@ 48e20e commitdiff
2020-02-27 prakhar1985
set install_ftl:false (#1194)
tree@ a56e92 commitdiff
2020-02-27 prakhar1985
Removed FTL injector (#1193)
tree@ e9cc7d commitdiff
2020-02-26 dependabot[bot]
Bump ansible from 2.8.6 to 2.8.8 in /ansible/configs/ocp4-cluster/files (#1...
tree@ b87080 commitdiff
2020-02-26 dependabot[bot]
Bump ansible in /ansible/configs/ocp4-disconnected-osp-lab/files (#1190)
tree@ 581e60 commitdiff
2020-02-26 James Falkner
Updates for OCP 4.3 and CRW 2.x (#1192)
tree@ 06c3ca commitdiff
2020-02-26 Pranav Gaikwad
minor changes in pvc in mssql app (#1189)
tree@ ac9e70 commitdiff
2020-02-26 Sadhana Nandakumar
Real time (#1185)
tree@ be61b7 commitdiff
2020-02-25 mmistretta
CamelK and CRW Workload (#1184)
tree@ d732bf commitdiff
2020-02-25 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Install AWS Jumpbox into personal virtualenv. Make location customizable (#...
tree@ 84ecdb commitdiff
2020-02-25 agonzalezrh
Pass to the stack the DNS zone variable (#1182)
tree@ b38ab5 commitdiff
2020-02-25 Sadhana Nandakumar
image stream not available (#1180)
tree@ 67d837 commitdiff
2020-02-25 Marcos Entenza
Feature/extend tower (#1177)
tree@ c68f74 commitdiff
2020-02-24 mcouliba
Adding ocp4-workload-debugging-workshop role for the Summit 2020 (#1178)
tree@ 1cb5f0 commitdiff
2020-02-24 Pranav Gaikwad
Migration Verification Workloads for Summit 2020 labs (#1167)
tree@ 3dbf11 commitdiff
2020-02-22 James Falkner
increase codeready keycloak token lifespan (#1170)
tree@ c9f049 commitdiff
2020-02-22 Jan Kleinert
Don't install cluster logging operator in the workload. (#1173)
tree@ c13405 commitdiff
2020-02-22 Andrew Block
Added validation playbook for Tekton foundations lab (#1176)
tree@ 7bd2f3 commitdiff
2020-02-20 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Fix workshop restart logic (#1171)
tree@ 27c349 commitdiff
2020-02-20 Wolfgang Kulhanek
Add ansible_python_interpreter to ensure cluster recovery...
tree@ a3769b commitdiff
2020-02-19 Sadhana Nandakumar
Real time event pam (#1168)
tree@ 83f1d3 commitdiff
2020-02-19 James Falkner
update for OCP 4.3, CRW 2 and latest operators for serverless,service… (#1163)
tree@ cabda0 commitdiff
2020-02-19 satyaj
Added camel-k CLI to bastion (#1166)
tree@ 1d3daf commitdiff
2020-02-19 Gareth Healy
Drastically improved install time for ocp4-workload-pam-fraudmanagement-wor...
tree@ 22fc6b commitdiff
2020-02-19 Pranav Gaikwad
Upgraded to migration operator v1.1.1 (#1165)
tree@ f976d4 commitdiff
2020-02-18 Eric L
Create ansible tower advanced config/lab for summit 2020 ...
tree@ b65016 commitdiff
2020-02-18 Andrew Block
Added Tekton foundations workload (#1074)
tree@ 2cb035 commitdiff
2020-02-18 Gareth Healy
Added verification for ocp4-workload-pam-fraudmanagement-...
tree@ 9140e2 commitdiff
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